
Valhalla vintage verb clean algorithm
Valhalla vintage verb clean algorithm

A good “jack of all trades” reverb algorithm. Randomized delay modulation, similar to Random Space, but with a much tighter initial attack and smoother decay. A random room/hall algorithm, with transparent decays that can be adjusted from tiny to huge. Useful for emulating the Room/Hall algorithms of late 1980s hardware, as well as getting clear reverberation with low amounts of coloration. A smooth and transparent room reverb, in the Smooth Plate style. Crank up the Size parameter, and float off into space! The most transparent and naturalistic reverb in V alhalla VintageVerb. Lush chorusing, with none of the metal found in Dirty Plate. Smooth decay at all settings, from short to near-eternal. Drums come alive when sent through Dirty Plate. High echo density, wide stereo image, and just the right amount of metallic sheen.

  • Dirty Plate. All the warm and gritty artifacts of Dirty Hall, applied to an old-school digital plate algorithm.
  • Plug in your analog synth and send yourself into retro sci-fi heaven. Lusher and denser than the Concert Hall algorithm, with loads of warmth and grit on tap, for a roughly hewn beauty.
  • Dirty Hall. A fresh look at the Concert Hall algorithm, with the goal being to emulate the strange fixed point and convertor artifacts of early 80s reverb hardware.
  • Sanctuary incorporates the bit reduction and floating-point gain control used in the A/D and D/A convertors of the early digital hardware. Discrete early reflections, a dense late reverb that rapidly builds in echo density, lush detuned modulation.
  • Sanctuary. Inspired by a classic German digital reverberator from the 1970s.
  • Useful for adding “air” to drums, vocals, and any place where a reverb should be felt but not heard.
  • Ambience. Combines time varying randomized early reflections with a full-featured reverb tail, with the balance between early and late reverb controlled by the Attack knob.
  • Chorus Space. Same as Random Space, but with the delay randomization replaced with lush chorused modulation.
  • The modulation uses internal delay randomization, to reduce metallic artifacts without the pitch change that can occur in the algorithms with chorused modulation.
  • Random Space. This generates DEEP and WIDE reverbs, with a slow attack, and more diffusion than the late 1980s algorithms that inspired it.
  • Highly diffuse, high echo density, less coloration than Plate/Room algorithms, chorused modulation.
  • Chamber. A transparent and dense algorithm.
  • Medium diffusion/early echo density, somewhat darker sound, chorused modulation.
  • Room. Emulates the sound of early 1980s room algorithms.
  • Highly diffuse, bright initial sound, high echo density, lush chorused modulation.
  • Plate. Inspired by early 1980s plate algorithms.
  • Bright Hall. Similar to the Concert Hall algorithm, but with a brighter initial sound, and deeper and lusher modulation.
  • Huge spatial image, echo density that can be adjusted from very sparse to very dense, and lush chorusing modulation.
  • Concert Hall. Based on the hall algorithms of the late 1970s and early 1980s.
  • ValhallaVintageVerb is a postmodern reverb plugin, inspired by the classic hardware digital reverbs of the 1970s and 1980s. Valhalla DSP Valhalla VintageVerb 2.0.2 WIN & MacOSX

    Valhalla vintage verb clean algorithm